Evidence-based insights on building your creativity and innovation capabilities

Do you believe that better ideas lead to better outcomes? Yes? Then welcome.

We are a community of creativity and innovation experts, led by Nick Skillicorn, providing insights and advice on getting better ideas, how to make them happen, becoming more innovative and delivering more value. And you can join us for FREE.

Starting soon: join us for a FREE webinar training session where you will learn the secrets to better ideas from 52 of the world’s leading experts on creativity and innovation.

Click the button above to check for availability for your free session and sign up now.

Get your free account now and get instant access to all of this:

Did you know: 96% of all innovations fail

In a study of over 2,000 innovations released by major companies, only 4% produced a profit.

However, by setting up your innovation process in the right way you can dramatically improve your probability of success.

Let us show you how with insights by Innovation Thought Leaders from around the world.

96% fail

You can improve your creativity

Here at Idea to Value we take creativity seriously.

Specifically, we are constantly working to find out not just how to get more ideas, but better ideas, and how to actually turn them into something real and valuable.

With insights from both the science of creativity (from Neuroscientists, Psychologists and Academics) and the Creative Process of artists and innovators, we will help you become more creative.

Finally make your ideas happen

Face it: too many of your ideas are being wasted.

Whether you’re an Entrepreneur, a Business Owner, a Manager or even an independent Artist, your ideas are what is going to differentiate you from everyone else.

Our free articles and insights will help you:

  1. Generate more ideas which people love
  2. Learn new & effective ways to turn those ideas into a reality
  3. Align innovation efforts to your strategy for maximum impact
  4. Find new and unique ways to add value
  5. Use the untapped creativity which you already have to grow

Don’t wait any longer: sign up using the button below. It’s safe, secure and free.

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